K-ON! Wiki
Season 2
Episode 2
Japanese air date April 14, 2010
Previous Seniors!
Next Drummer!

K-ON!! Season 2 episode #2


The Light Music Club members decide to do some spring cleaning and find an old guitar, which belongs to Sawako Yamanaka, in the process. While selling it, it turns out to be more valuable than expected.


Yui sleeps at school

Yui won't wake up.

The episode starts with Tsumugi cleaning the blackboard after their English lesson. Ritsu and Mio express their surprise about Tsumugi apparently being responsible for the day's duties, to which Tsumugi replies that the actual person in charge is Yui, who is peacefully sleeping on her desk. With the aid of Nodoka, they try to wake her up, but even luring her with fake sweets doesn't work. When Ritsu orders Tsumugi to get a real cake, their teacher, Sawako Yamanaka, shows up with a request for the club members to return the animal costumes they were using to attract freshmen to the club.

The storeroom is messy

Sawako shocked about the cramped storeroom

Arriving at the clubroom, Ritsu searches for the costumes in the terribly cramped storeroom, a sight which startles Sawako. After Ritsu gets buried under a junk-landslide, Mio decides that the storeroom needs a spring cleaning.

HTT while cleaning the clubroom

The Light Music Club cleaning the room

At first, Yui and Ritsu rebel against the idea, but since the cleaning personnel are not able to do it for them because the room is filled with personal stuff, they decide to do it seriously. As they finish up the arduous cleaning process, Yui finds an expensive looking case which was overlooked at first. Inside lies an old guitar, which belongs to Sawako.

Yui found Sawako's guitar

Yui found Sawako's guitar

Azusa finds out that Sawako was once a member of the Light Music Club in the past and starts to ask for personal lessons until Yui shows her a picture of Sawako when she was a member of Death Devil in high school, leading Azusa to withdraw her request. Sawako, unwilling to take the guitar back home, tells the club to sell it for her and use the money for the club's fund.

Yui and Azusa inside the hardware store

Yui and Azusa inside the screw section

On their way to the music store, Yui has to tow the guitar alongside her school stuff and personal belongings since she lost in "Jan-ken-pon". Mio brings up the idea of buying a shelf for the storeroom to prevent it from getting cluttered again, so the club stops by a hardware store.

Inside, Tsumugi expresses her enthusiasm about this being her first time inside a hardware store and starts fawning over every common cleaning item she can find. On the other hand, Ritsu and Yui use every item they can find to annoy the others, especially Mio and Azusa. After some time passes, Mio calls Sawako to ask her permission to purchase the shelf, which is approved.

Yui and Ton meet for the first time

Yui and Ton's first meeting

Meanwhile, Azusa visits the animal section of the store and is watching a pig-nosed turtle curiously when Yui shows up and instantly falls in love with the turtle.

Sawako's guitar's worth

Ritsu learns about the true value of Sawako's guitar.

After their visit to the hardware store, the group visits a music store which is a part of the Kotobuki family's business consortium. While the employee is estimating the guitar's worth, Azusa sees some ads for larger bands and muses over how their band would sound like if they would have more members with Mio. Before Mio can respond, the employee finishes his estimate and says that he's willing to buy the guitar for 500,000 Yen, stunning everyone except Tsumugi. Ritsu asks the employee about the high price, to which he responds that the guitar is very old yet in a marvelous condition, made out of very rare material, and a model produced for a very limited time, making it an highly valuable guitar. Convinced that they weren't just getting a good price because of Tsumugi's father, the group sells the guitar. The four songs heard while the employee talks about the history of the SG are listed here.

Evil aura

Ho-Kago Tea Time corrupted by the money

Afterwards, the group visits a local fast-food restaurant to discuss what to do with their bounty. Despite trying to resist at first, the opportunities the cash opens up to the group corrupts everyone except for Tsumugi, who is confused by her friend's behavior.

Mio, Ritsu and Azusa nervous

Ritsu, Mio and Azusa nervously trying to avoid Sawako's questions

The next day after school, the shelf is delivered and fits in perfectly. Just as Ritsu and Yui are scolded again for still having personal stuff inside of the room, Sawako appears to check out the new shelf. Wondering why everybody suddenly became nervous after she showed up, she asks about the selling price of her guitar. Every attempt to change the subject fails, so Ritsu lies to her that they sold it for only 10,000 yen. At first, the lie seems to pass, but when Sawako asks for the receipt since she needs to file it for the club's budget, Ritsu panics.

Ritsu eating paper again

Ritsu trying to chew down the receipt

Out of options, Ritsu tries to eat the receipt right in front of Sawako while the four others cheer her on. Unamused, Sawako stops Ritsu with a single glare. Startled and elated by the actual price, Sawako decides to keep the money herself since the girls lied to her about the real value of her guitar. After granting Yui's only wish to be slapped in the face with the bills, she backs down a little and promises to buy one single item for the club with the money.

Ton, the new club member

Ton, Azusa's new junior

On their way home, the band discusses which item would be the best choice for everybody. Watching the new members of other sport clubs starting to get serious, Ritsu notices some grief in Azusa's eyes and tells Mio, Yui and Tsumugi about it the day after at school. While everybody wonders how they could satisfy Azusa's wish to have some freshmen under her, Yui gets an idea.

Mugi peace sign

Azusa agrees to take care of Ton in the future.

The next day, Azusa stands in front of her new freshman, the Pig-nosed turtle Ton, whom she met some time ago at the hardware store. As Azusa fails to react, Yui explains that she thought that Azusa might have liked the turtle since she was staring at it intensely. Azusa responds that she simply thought it looked weird. Nevertheless, she contentedly agrees to take care of it and tries to deter Yui from helping her, who was about to state that she would take care of it too.

